
Take Action to Protect Our Vote

Take Action to Protect Our Vote

Dear Friends, In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen too many voters forced to choose between participating in our democracy and protecting their health. Forcing voters to vote in person during a pandemic is a threat to public health and the integrity of...

Kindness Is Free

Kindness Is Free

One of the more surprising outcomes of being forced to isolate and maintain social distance has been the kindness I have encountered. Self-isolation has been difficult. Trying to keep my spirit up is a daily challenge, but I’d like to share how one person changed my...

God Has Bigger Plans

God Has Bigger Plans

We New Yorkers have a reputation for being rude; the city was once dubbed the “rudest city in America.” Yes, we can be a little rough around the edges, but when you get to know us, you will see that we are kind-hearted. During these trying times, I have witnessed many...

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