Sisters of Charity Federation

Sisters of Charity Federation The Sisters of Charity Federation of North America represents over 2,500 sisters. These member congregations trace their roots to Elizabeth Ann Seton or follow the rule of Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac.


  • To support the commitment of its members to the mission of charity expressed through diversity of their specific congregational charisms.
  • To facilitate collaboration in projects related to ministry and other areas of common concern.
  • To foster study and reflection on the charism and tradition of charity.

Members & Staff

Our congregation – the Sisters of Charity of New York (SCNY) – and the 13 others listed here, form the Sisters of Charity Federation. Sr. Grace Hartzog, SCSH, (Seton Hill) serves as Executive Director; she succeeded Sr. Julie Cutter, DC in 2017. The Executive Director of the Sisters of Charity Federation serves as liaison to various organizations and committees in the Charity Family for the Federation. She also assists the Executive Committee of the Federation in fulfilling the tasks assigned by the members at the annual meeting. The Executive Director represents and speaks on behalf of the Federation, directs its ongoing administration, and supervises staff.

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