
Eulogy for Sister Rita Meaney, SC

Eulogy for Sister Rita Meaney, SC

The following eulogy for Sister Rita Meaney was offered by Sister Margaret O’Brien on Monday, October 23, at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, Mount Saint Vincent. Did you know that the artists who create great tapestries work completely from the back of the...

Remembering Our Sisters on All Souls Day

Remembering Our Sisters on All Souls Day

Dear Friends, In today’s world, it can be hard to find support when we’re mourning the loss of a loved one. We all need a spiritual community that helps us feel less alone in such times, and more at peace with God and with our dear departed. The Sisters of Charity...

We Stand in Support of Dreamers

We Stand in Support of Dreamers

We, the Sisters of Charity of New York, are deeply concerned about the situation of young persons affected by the suspension of DACA protections. DACA was a common-sense path to stability for families, communities, and local economies, and a reaffirmation of American...

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