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Join in the mission of the Sisters of Charity of New York.

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Statement for National Unity and Healing

Statement for National Unity and Healing

We, the Sisters of Charity of New York, are called to be women of healing, sensitive to the wounds of persons and the social evils of our times. We strive to use every means in our power to reconcile and bring into unity persons and groups who are alienated or...

Litany of Elizabeth Ann Seton

Litany of Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth, loving daughter Encourage in all children obedience and love Elizabeth, troubled teenager Speak to today’s confused, sometimes abused young people Elizabeth, Faithful wife Grant gifts of love and generosity to all spouses Elizabeth, caring mother Share your...

Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

January 4, 2021 marks the 200th anniversary of Elizabeth Ann Seton's death. Elizabeth Ann Seton Wife, mother, foundress, saint. Her steadfast fidelity, unwavering hope, astute ability to trust in her own experiences, make her a woman for our times as for her own....

Epiphany Reflections

Epiphany Reflections

EPIPHANY… … sign, summons…  … star, angels’ song... … response, risk, search… … revelation, discovery, faith SEEKERS OF GOD, CALLED & SENT… Mary and Joseph – Shepherds and sages – Simeon and Anna –  Elizabeth Seton, Elizabeth Boyle & the early...

Christmas Blessings

Christmas Blessings

Into this year of bruised and battered dreams, in our ravaged lands and oceans, on the fringes of our stillborn hopes, grace — our grace — comes to meet us in a child, a star, in shepherds and foreigners. God’s love, once made flesh in Jesus, longs to be born anew in...

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