by Mindy Gordon, Director, Archives and Museum
From the Archives…

Sr. Kevin Phillips, former director of the St. Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing, Manhattan, roots for the Mets. Sr. Kevin met former-Met Rusty Staub at several Hospital events and posed for this photo with him in 2016 at Citi Field. She attended Staub’s Funeral Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 2018.
After a long winter, the arrival of Opening Day for Major League Baseball is especially welcome. Last year’s baseball season was curtailed by the pandemic and later resumed during intermittent periods, and without spectators.
On April 1, the two acclaimed home teams in New York City, the Yankees, “Bronx Bombers,” and the Mets from their home stadium, Citi Field in Queens, both have strong support from the Sisters of Charity of New York. With good-humored competition, it is unsurprising that the Yankees are favored by many in the Bronx, also the home county of the Sisters. When a home run is scored in Yankee Stadium, we can almost hear the cheering as far as the Mount Saint Vincent campus!
Baseball players and their fans often claim a near-religious devotion to the sport. Inspirational quotes from star players, and the Bible too, have been imprinted on baseball memorabilia. Some players are known to pray before a game, swinging a bat or pitching from the mound. Some players have famously described their love of baseball:
“I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong.” – Derek Jeter, Yankees (1995–2014)
“Take positives out of negatives all the time.” – David Wright, Mets (2004–2018)
“Keep trying. Stay humble. Trust your instincts. Most importantly, act. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra, Yankees (1946-1963)
“God is living in New York, and he’s a Mets fan.” – Tom Seaver, Mets (1967–1977)
“Nobody wanted me. Scouts told me to go to school, to forget baseball. Coaches said, ‘You’re never going to make it.’ I appreciated their honesty…you have to use that as fuel for motivation.” – Mike Piazza, Mets (1998–2005)
It is not important which teams you cheer for…just celebrate baseball’s opening day!
On Opening Day, the Yankees will play a day game in their home stadium against the Toronto Blue Jays, and the Mets will play a night game against the Nationals at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C.
Play ball!
Nanuet Sisters in Yankees Dugout
Among members of the Community, three Sisters have loyally followed the Yankees’ activities for many years. Pictured in the dugout at Yankee stadium: Sr. Mary Christine Rogers; Sr. Loretta Thomas Donahue and Sr. Robert Marie Fimbel. Sisters Loretta Thomas and Robert Marie will root for their team without Sr. Mary Christine, who passed away in August 2020.
I loved seeing a picture of Sister Kevin. She was a wonderful Director of the School of Nursing. I remember well her love of baseball and the NY teams. Thinking of you fondly. Sister Kevin.