
Congregation Celebrates Feast Day

Congregation Celebrates Feast Day

Congregation day in December, a day that ends with the renewal of commitments made by Sisters and Associates, this year featured guest speaker Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, who challenged the Congregation to look at religious life in an engaging, thoughtful, and...

Remembering Victims of Gun Violence

Remembering Victims of Gun Violence

Sunday, December 14th, is the second anniversary of the Newtown, CT, school shooting. The Sisters of Charity of New York have pledged our support for Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend, December 11–14th, a special project of the Washington National Cathedral, the...

Associates’ Day of Renewal

Associates’ Day of Renewal

By Barbara Kennedy, AssociateA day of renewal for Associates was held on October 25th in Benedict’s Place at Mount Saint Vincent. In attendance were Associates, 12 professed Sisters, and six prospective Associates. The program for the day consisted of two parts: a...

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