
Rejoice! The Lord is Near.

Rejoice! The Lord is Near.

Third Sunday of Advent Readings: Isaiah 35:1-6A, 10, Psalm 146, James 5:7-10, Gospel - Matthew 11:2-11 Third Sunday of Advent reflection by Sr. Margaret O’Brien “REJOICE! Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near.” And that says it...

How Will You Get Ready?

First Sunday of Advent Readings- Isaiah 63:16b--64:2-7 - Psalm 80 - 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 - Mark 13:33-37 - God is the potter, we the clay - we are the work of God's hands Psalm 80: God, let us turn to you Gospel - Be watchful! Be alert! First...

October 27 Invitation to Prayer

October 27 Invitation to Prayer

"In light of the violence in the Middle East, especially Israel and Gaza, and in the Ukraine, Pope Francis has asked people of all faiths to observe this Friday, Oct. 27, as a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace. The Pope will hold an hour’s interfaith vigil at 6 PM...

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