As part of our mission as Sisters of Charity of New York, we have always tried to live our promise to respond to the signs of our times. Presently, our nation is in a fragile time in which the ethical and moral strength of the country is at risk.
There has been an ongoing preponderance of rhetoric and behavior during this election season that is serving only to debase the American and human fundamental values of truth and integrity. This is being done through distortion of fact and through castigation of various individuals and communities struggling to live dignified lives in this country.
Since our founding in 1817 we have valued life from its inception through to death serving those in need in education, within health care, social service work, childcare etc.
Never in our experience has a presidential race been laced with such disrespect, mockery, vulgarity, misogyny, and complete disregard for the dignity and worth of individuals because of their race, ethnicity, beliefs, gender and gender expression.
Equally disturbing because it hits closer to home is the stance of many of our church leaders. Not only do they stand by silently as the people they serve are mocked and denigrated, some seem to endorse this vulgar and non-civil behavior with a smile.
Our charism calls us to care for the poor and vulnerable, to uphold the rights and worth of all individuals, regardless of race, creed, or background. We cannot, in good conscience, remain silent in the face of the ongoing erosion of these principles.
We urge everyone to join us in prayer for our nation at this critical time. Let us pray for leaders who will act with integrity, who will promote justice and peace, and who will protect the dignity of all. Let us pray for courage to stand against any form of hatred or injustice, especially when it comes from those entrusted with leadership. And let us pray that our Church and its leaders will reflect the compassion of Christ, showing a clear commitment to human dignity and unity in their witness.
As Pope Francis reminds us in his recent encyclical Dilexit Nos, “Every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has inherent worth, and no one has the right to deny it or treat it with contempt.” May these words inspire us to work toward a society where respect, understanding, and love prevail.
Please join us in our prayers for understanding and conversion, for civility and respect for diversity. May God’s healing touch restore our nation and guide us all toward unity and peace.
The Leadership Team of the Sisters of Charity of New York
Sr. Donna Dodge, Sr. Margaret O’Brien, Sr. Mary Mc Cormick,
Sr. Mary Ann Daly, Sr. Sheila Brosnan, Sr. Margaret Egan
Very well said. Please think about sharing this on Facebook
Thank you for this.
Bravo. We are in difficult times and to realize my church is not concerned or worse compliment is very disturbing. I am in deep prayer till next week.
I am so grateful to join my prayers with yours. Thank you for this request for prayer
Well said. Everyone matters. Praying for leaders that will raise our nation up and get rid of the negativity
I’m glad you raised me during my most formative years at Saint Vincent’s.
This has been so well spoken! Agree with another reply given that it needs to be shared o Facebook! Agree that our country has lost its way, and we can have it come back. It is not too late, as we know our Lord can bring us through this time where people do not have the respect and those coming here and landing without jobs or homes or enough food, or places to bathe and personal things needed. We are just not ready, for this, until we we can stand in living conditions safer, and much more affordable. We he citizens are not doing well, as we may think either, with prices going up higher all the time, all the time . So, we need to place our faith in God and certainly pray!! Crime is up and we know thorugh miracles can happen though(Have seen them lately, even in my own health miracles have occurred, thank the Lord, How much moe can He do for us al and thsi country!! ) if we just stand up with love, Some patience needed and know we must be very careful how we vote. We do need changes and we need help. We can get on our knees and pray ( If we can et on knees, or just pray, our Lord understands) We must never give up! Our Lord is leading us to the promise land ,still! Many blessings, and sending love and prayers your way, (Joining for our country, as well. For ‘all of the people and animals too! ‘ We deeply need to pray, stand up for the ‘right ;not anything wrong, ‘ and do not show disresepct and anger. Satan wants that! ) Priase and have faith and ask the Lord to help us and grant peace and love to all of us! May His will be done; not our own!
The only answer to this suffering is prayer. Thank you for expressing so well what we stand for.
A very wise , intelligent and respectful way of saying what is on the minds and hearts of all those who respect, and love this country
Bravo Sisters for say this and sharing it with us
Bravo Donna for having the courage to say what is true.
This is a bold, clear and courageous reflection of the mission of the Sisters of Charity. As was mentioned in this statement, “we cannot remain silent”. From that flows the responsibility to share this reflection with those outside of our congregation. including civic and church leaders and our sponsored ministries. May we have the courage to do so publicly as it speaks to who we are yesterday, today and tomorrow. THIS IS OUR MISSION! Our truth will set us free; our mission is clear. Our path and our journey together now is before us and for others who live out the gospel and our charism of charity. I pray for our country and our church at this time that the Spirit of peace and courage will be with us and all those who touch our lives! Thank you again for this thoughtful provoking reflection.
I hope your message gets to those who ignore what has to be said
How grateful I am to have had the privilege of being educated by the Sisters of Charity. This prophetic statement challenges the conscience of all who claim to care for social justice.
The Sisters of Charity of New York have always earned my great respect. Thank you for your brave position.
We pray for all these values you mention. Our country is in a sad state of affairs and part of that is because they have taken God out of the picture, which I cannot understand. Doesn’t matter if 100 [people say, want prayer in school, they go with the one person who does not The minority wins. I don’t get it. I pray we get back on track soon or this country is going to fall apart or end up in a civil war again. God Bless America. God bless all of you for all your prayers and good work. I had the Sisters of Charity in School and my wife’s cousin was also a Sister of Charity for about 25 years before she left but remained very close to your community. God Bless all of you.
Great letter! Thank you for having the courage to put pen to paper, to call out the Church leadership for its silence, and share your thoughts with all of us. with my friends, whether Catholic or not.
God Bless!
As always, the Sisters of Charity exemplify how well they live the gospel mandate : “to act with justice, to love tenderly and walk humbly with their God”. Thank you for your courage to speak the truth during these incredibly challenging times. Be assured your convictions and our nation are supported in prayer.
We join the Sisters in prayer that the Politics of Hate will soon be defeated. May Truth, Peace, and the Presence of the Lord be with us forever..
Thank you for speaking the truth! We are with you in prayers.
Your NDSC’s friends from Canada
Thank you for your courage and insight. So well said. yes I pray with you that integrity and respect for all will prevail
WOW and thank you!
Thank you for this excellent statement.
Agree with you,
Beautifully stated.
Thank you
Such a prophetic call to integrity and truth! Certainly praying for all in these next days.
Thank you for expressing support during this difficult time. The Sisters of Charity at SVH and CMSV helped form who I am along with the Sisters of the Presentation in elementary school. Your letter echos my thoughts.
Beautiful…honest…and a calling to all of us.
I have posted 2 brief pieces on FB that are similar in focus. If you would like a copy, simply email me.
Be well…
Thank you for having the integrity to take a stance on these issues in these troubling times. I will continue to pray for our beloved USA along with many others.