As we celebrate today’s feast of St. Vincent de Paul, our patron, we invite you to join us in this prayer, shared by the Sisters of Charity Federation. Learn more about the Sisters of Charity Federation – and the worldwide Vincentian Family.
“Charity is the cement that unites communities to God and individuals to each other, so that the one who contributes to the union of hearts in a community binds it indissolubly to God.” — St. Vincent de Paul
This quote from Vincent is a reminder for each of us as we come to the end of summer and welcome the amazing colors of autumn beauty. As we share and model the charism of charity, let us recall that we live the Federation Call to “deepen our relationships and inter-connectedness among Federation congregations and within the Vincentian Family and beyond.”
As we celebrate the Feast of St. Vincent DePaul on September 27, I invite you to…pray this suggested prayer.
My prayer of gratitude for each of you is another quote from Vincent: “All the delights of God are ever new and full of sweetness because God never changes.”
Let us enter autumn with courage to enter into the transformational process with unstoppable charity.
Sister Grace Hartzog, SC (Seton Hill)
Executive Director, Sisters of Charity Federation
Happy Feast Day Sisters
happy feat day