News | Sisters of Charity of New York


Charity Charism Circles the World

Charity Charism Circles the World

By Ellen Rose O’Connell, SC Our vocation is to go all over the world and to do what the son of God did. He came to set the world on fire in order to inflame it with His love.St. Vincent de Paul Associate Todd Gable and his wife, Oleysa, offered information about IFAKs...

Assembly Steering Committee 2023

Assembly Steering Committee 2023

By Mary McCormick, SC A General Assembly is the major event occurring every four years in the life of our Congregation. It is here that elected delegates call on the Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to discern our future and elect the sisters who will serve in...

Caring for Our Common Home: Microplastics

Caring for Our Common Home: Microplastics

With Sister Mary Ann Garisto The Creation’s Transformative Energy Committee (CTEC) of SCNY has committed to reducing plastics in our lives, and we invite you to do the same. We can begin by reflecting on how our habits contribute to what Pope Francis calls a...

Tragic Deaths of Immigrants

Tragic Deaths of Immigrants

We, the Sisters of Charity of New York and Associates, pray for the sixty-plus victims who died in the tragic bus incident this past week. We mourn the loss of their lives, and the loss their deaths will cause to our nation. Each person only sought a better life yet...

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