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Join in the mission of the Sisters of Charity of New York.

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“WE/US”: An Ever-Widening Circle

“WE/US”: An Ever-Widening Circle

  The following is from the Spring 2021 issue of VISION. By Regina Bechtle, SC “People are hungry, and one good word is bread for a thousand.” As David Whyte reminds us in his poem, “Loaves and Fishes,” and as many events of recent months attest, words...

Live in Hope

Live in Hope

“I live in hope – you know, and if in this world all is blasted, still we will hope and hope to the last.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Elizabeth Bayley Seton, Collected Writings, Volume 2, 649) Hope by its nature desires something in the future, and expects to receive...

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