Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation

Mission of the PJIC Office is to assist the Congregation, Sisters and Associates, corporately and individually, to witness and live a ministry of peace, justice and integrity of creation in varied ways through increased awareness, prayer, presence, education, advocacy and systemic change.


Caring for our Common Home

Caring for our Common Home

With Sister Mary Ann Garisto from the Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation The following is from the Winter 2022 issue of VISION. The main goal of the fall 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, commonly known as COP26, was...

Caring for Our Common Home

Caring for Our Common Home

By Sister Mary Ann Garisto The following is from the Autumn 2021 issue of Vision. Sister Mary Ann Garisto The release of the recent United Nations climate change report gives new urgency for us to take individual and collective action on behalf of the...

Caring for Our Common Home

Caring for Our Common Home

by Sister Mary Ann Garisto from the Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation Sr. Mary Ann Garisto The following is from the Summer 2021 issue of Vision. In the spirit of Laudato Si’, we may want to consider ways to reduce our carbon footprint and take better...