The Sisters of Charity of New York extend an invitation to join Network’s April 9 virtual half day conference on White Supremacy and American Christianity with justice seekers across the country. Click here or below to register and see schedule and information on this conversation with Fr. Bryan Massingale, author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, and Robert P. Jones, author of White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity as well as Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and scholar Dr. Marcia Chatelain. 

As a Congregation committed to address systemic racism and our complicity in it, the Sisters of Charity recognize the importance of educating ourselves and engaging in conversation. We invite others to join us. Please share with friends, family and colleagues. Note update in link: Network has reached capacity for small group conversations but registration is still open to watch the Opening & Keynote Conversation and Closing Remarks & Prayer.

Registration link: