The following is a letter sent to Sisters of Charity, Associates and Companions by the Leadership Team for the Feast of Pentecost.
The Feast of Pentecost celebrates the amazing power of the Resurrection available to us through the gifts of the Spirit. This power comes from the boundless love of God for each one of us and reaches into our deepest yearning, filling our hearts and dreams.
God’s love fills us with the energy to live creatively and to find our way along the road we walk. The paths are not always clear, nor easy to walk through the shadows of ambiguity and fear.
The power and light of Pentecost show us the way to open our hearts to all that is before us. We need not be locked in a place where we feel powerless. Do we truly believe that anything we ask for in Jesus’ name will be given to us?
The gifts of the Spirit of God come—
- in wind, to refresh and energize us, to remove the clutter and fears we hold onto
- in fire, to cleanse and warm our hearts so we too can heal, forgive, renew, become united in love and share it with others.
The gifts of the Spirit open us to know our dreams, to live the story of love that reaches far beyond our lifetime, and to move forward in hope. Let us remember we do this together.
What dreams are calling us to a new place? We live in dark times, ones filled with violence and poverty, to mention just two. Can we find the glimmers of light in the darkness and unite with others to brighten the way to peace and justice? Can we be heralds of God’s wondrous deeds?
“The Holy Spirit grants us the courage to proclaim the gospel with boldness —Jesus wants us to proclaim the good news not only with words but above all by a life transfigured by God’s presence.” (Pope Francis)
We can offer our unique gifts as women and men of Charity and truly be about renewing the face of the earth.
Come, Holy Spirit! Fill our hearts with your power and renew the face of the earth.
The Leadership Team