
Like many other organizations, the Sisters of Charity have very faithful and supporting benefactors who give generously to our mission. One of the ways to encourage financial support is to offer a monthly giving program, which enables participants to include us in their monthly or yearly budget.

We are happy to announce the newly formed Mother Seton Circle. The Mother Seton Circle is a group of supporters who make regular monthly contributions to further the work of the Congregation. The name comes from the widening circle of compassion created by our founder, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, who was a loving mother not only to her five children, but also to the many Sisters, supporters, and children she served.

Members enjoy an array of unique benefits, which includes special remembrance at three annual Masses and an invitation to our Sisters’ new online book club!

The Congregation benefit greatly by your Mother Seton Circle Membership because its helps clarify our monthly budget. This helps us to plan wisely for the care of our elderly Sisters and for our ministries that serve people in need.

For more information and to receive a brochure about the Mother Seton Circle, please email or call the Development Office at 718-549-9200. Donors may also sign up on our website by clicking on this link.

Thank you for your consideration.