By Sr. Maryellen Blumlein

On Saturday, November 6, a beautiful, crisp autumn day, over 200 gathered in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception to celebrate the Mass of Remembrance. The Mass honored sisters, associates and former members who had passed away from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. Celebrating the liturgy together and in person this year was a special event for all.
Father John Duffell, a long-time friend of the Sisters of Charity, presided. Readers were Sister Margaret Ellen Burke (first reading) and Sister Mary Ellen O’Boyle (prayers of the faithful). Sister Margaret Donegan was the sacristan and altar server, and Sisters Eileen Walsh and Suzanne Ellen Wallin were Eucharistic ministers. Mr. Andrew Bauer was the pianist accompanying Ms. Kelly McCormick, the cantor.
In a moving reflection, Sister Sheila Brosnan reminded that those who have gone before are continually watching over us and are forever present. She recalled the times growing up when her father would take the children outside after dark in summer to appreciate the “splendor” of the night sky:

“Someone would shout as they saw a brief flash of light somewhere in the sky. My Dad would comment that the light is someone in heaven who is winking at us and telling us that all is well. …Today as we view the array of photographs of sisters, associates and former members who have gone before us, we can’t help feeling that our sorrow has met the crossroads of joy. Could it be that each one we hold in memory is winking at us? …In the liturgy today, the communion of memory and hope envelops us in a new source of creative power. It enables us to take sharper notice of truth and beauty, and goodness in ourselves, in others, and all of creation that surrounds us.”
After the liturgy, the celebration continued in Smith Hall with a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and apple pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert. People greeted each other before the Mass and were able to engage in long and pleasant conversations during dinner with folks they had not seen in a while.
The entire day was a joyful celebration from the moment of arrival on campus. The beautiful liturgy, festive luncheon, invigorating conversation, and the splendor of this autumn day at Mount Saint Vincent provided everyone with beautiful memories of those we came to celebrate and remember.
“And one last word. Be watchful for the God wink, that wink that our God occasionally sends our way.” – Sister Sheila Brosnan
Mass of Remembrance October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021
Sister Patricia Brennan
Sister Frances Devine
Sister Mary Damian Gardner
Sister Kathleen Gilmartin
Sister Mary Therese Hanaway
Sister Elizabeth Judge
Sister Katherine King
Sister Veronica Liegey
Sister Theresa Luciano
Sister Grace Therese Murray
Sister Maria Louis Octavio
Sister Catherine Smith
Sister Kathleen Sullivan
Sister Margaret Sweeney
Sister Maria Goretti Wieser
Eileen Bertsch
Ann Magner
Imogene Regan
Eleanore Tompkins
Maureen Lynaugh Connelly
Theresa Sammut Cote
Patricia Deane
Betty Ann Smith Kirchhofer