Stephen Surprenant, keynote speaker and facilitator
The Third Annual Sponsorship Conference was held at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Harrison, NY, on Saturday, September 20, 2014. The audience of 100 included members of boards and advisory committees as well as presidents, executive directors, and directors of each sponsored ministry.
The scripture quote, “Go and Do Likewise,” from the parable of the Good Samaritan, was the theme of the conference. The keynote speaker and facilitator, Stephen Surprenant, Vice President, Ministry Formation and Incorporation for CHE Trinity Health, Inc., offered an inspirational reflection about the shared call to extend the mission of charity to all in need. Using the framework of servant leadership, Stephen engaged the group in discussions and exercises to recognize each one’s strengths and areas for growth in characteristics of a servant leader.

Conference participants reflected on their management styles in the framework of servant leadership.
Throughout the day participants heard a story from each ministry, a story about one person whose life was changed in part because of the service of the ministry, the people working there.
Many positive comments of appreciation and written evaluations lead us to conclude that our aim to build networks of leaders of Sisters of Charity ministries is moving in the right direction. Our colleagues at Saint Vincents Hospital were excellent hosts and we congratulate them on their expertise in hospitality.