“Go to Him with faith, love and confidence – He will help. Fill yourself with his Spirit and He himself will govern.” – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

(Elizabeth Bayley Seton, Collected Writings, Volume 3B, 38)

As we prepare for Pentecost, the practical advice of St. Elizabeth Ann, “Go to God… He will help,” captures the essence of this feast. Put another way, go to God and God will send the Spirit to help. That is quite simply what the Spirit does.  

Through her prayerful exchanges with God, a mutual rapport (reciprocity) grew between them. Elizabeth placed her faith, love and confidence in God. This aligned with God’s faith in, love for, and confidence in Elizabeth – and in each of us. The Lord believes in us. And the “proof is in the pudding” – Pentecost. 

Pentecost’s unrestrained energy (likened to fire and wind) never wanes. The Advocate is on fire to give us every good gift, swirling with possibility and every grace. Pope Francis remarks, “He is ‘the power of God’ and the ‘giver of life’. How good it would be for us each day to feel this jolt of life! To say when we wake up each morning: ‘Come, Holy Spirit, come into my heart, come into my day.’”   

These urges and surges of the Spirit inspire us to carry out Christ’s mission, to proclaim good news to the poor and oppressed. (Luke 4:18) We “go to God” in gratitude for those who do just that, e.g., essential workers, and all who advocate for and accompany others (physically, emotionally, spiritually…) in countless and admirable ways. “Fill yourself with his Spirit.”

Good News happens.


Come Holy Spirit (adapted)

Come Holy Spirit,
Fill our hearts with hope and wonder.
Keep us curious.

Kindle in us the fire of your impelling love.
Stir up compassion.

Send us forth with your Spirit.
Inspire us again.

Re-create us as your Pentecost people.
Lead us in right relationship.

And we shall renew, reconcile the face of the earth.
Awaken reverence and gratitude for all creation.

O God, with the integrity and light of your Spirit,
Instruct our hearts in patience and goodness.
Gently, kindly guide our actions and interactions.

Grant that by your ever-abundant and powerful Spirit,
We may be truly wise, courageous and ever enjoy your consolations.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

– Catherine Salani (SC collaborator, educator, artist)