

Lent: Fast From – Feast On

Lent: Fast From – Feast On

– adapted from William Arthur Ward, Fast From-Feast On Fast from worry … feast on peaceFast from negativity … feast on trustFast from loneliness … feast on communityFast from self-criticism … feast on acceptanceFast from rushing … feast on intentionalityFast...
Presidents Day: Standing on the Shoulders

Presidents Day: Standing on the Shoulders

The Congregation recently began our election year pre-assembly meeting with a special tribute video presented by the Executive Council, celebrating decades of work from our five living SCNY Presidents (year of service order): Sr. Carol A. Barnes Sr. Elizabeth A....
Black History Month: Mother Mary Lange

Black History Month: Mother Mary Lange

By Sr. Regina Bechtle Born in Cuba around 1790, Elizabeth Lange emigrated around 1813 to Baltimore, where many refugees from the Haitian revolution (1791-1804) had fled. Finding a lack of public education for black children, she and a friend began to teach them in...
Elizabeth Seton— Educator

Elizabeth Seton— Educator

(In recognition of National Catholic Schools Week we invite you to read “Elizabeth Seton – Educator” by Sr. Mary E. Mc Cormick, originally published in the 2018 Autumn edition of Vision.) What exactly was Saint Elizabeth Seton’s first school like?...