Altar cloth with names written “in honor of all those, living or deceased, who have been an inspiration and model of unstoppable charity.”
The last day of the assembly began with an opening prayer, which included a Litany of Remembrance for sisters who passed. This beautiful tribute lasted several minutes and was accompanied by song.
The remainder of the morning included the videotaped reflection by Sister Sujita, discussions at the table based on Sister Sujita’s reflection, and the liturgy.
Sister Sujita’s reflection involved the theme of Imagining the Future. Several meaningful comments were pulled from the reflection:
- The Charity Federation is all about love that’s experienced and shared.
- Future and unstoppable charity begins with moments of deep silence within us. The silence enables us to see more and listen with our hearts. When we see and listen more with our hearts, we become more aware. With this increased awareness, we can delve into contemplation, where we can contemplate to see others as God sees them.
- The heart of Charity’s calling is the love of God.
- The Charity’s story is the story of Jesus.
- What story of the Charity Federation would enable us to see Jesus’ story in a new light?
- New horizons open up through struggles and the cross. The Holy Spirit is with us and we are empowered by the spirit to do this.

Father Joe Agostino, CM, international coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia, presided at the Sunday Mass
After the reflection, Sister Judy instructed the attendees to two tasks — each attendee was to state a commitment to making a change or taking an action. Also, since the federation is writing its own story for the future, attendees were encouraged to come up with titles of chapters for the story that will be written. After attendees shared their commitment statements at their tables, volunteers got up at microphones throughout the room and shared titles of chapters to be written. Some were funny and some were more purposeful, giving direction to the potential story to be told.
The morning ended with liturgy and farewells to all.
The assembly was a moving and thought-provoking time to consider what congregations have accomplished over the years, and how to move forward together, weaving unstoppable charity. Much from the assembly will be shared online, so that people who couldn’t attend can review what was covered, and subsequently be involved in discussions for the future.
Visit the Assembly of the Whole page on the federation web site for links to livestream videorecordings, presentations, and photos.
Compiled by Federation Communicators
Click to view Assembly of the Whole photos.