
Elizabeth Seton’s NYC Guidebook

Elizabeth Seton’s NYC Guidebook

New from the Sisters of Charity of New York Elizabeth Seton’s New York—A Guidebook 200th Anniversary Edition Adapted by Regina Bechtle, SC 20-Page Booklet, Illustrations in Color Visit sites where Elizabeth Seton lived and prayed in downtown Manhattan, Staten Island,...

Hurricane Harvey Relief Donations

Many of our friends have expressed a desire to help victims of the Hurricane Harvey disaster that has displaced so many of our sisters and brothers. There are two areas where our donations will go directly to those who need it the most. The Sisters of Charity of...

We Have Arrived!

August 20, 1817   New York City — We have arrived!   Sister Cecilia O’Conway   Sister Rose White   Sister Felicity Brady     August 20, 2017   [youtube=]   In thanksgiving for the blessings...

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