Ordinary Time — Autumn 2019
Charity Wisdom from our Founders

Photo by Margaret Egan, SC
Autumn — a time to thank God for a full harvest of blessings, and to pray for peace, for responsible care of creation, for workers & those who seek work, for teachers and students, for those living in poverty.
From centuries ago, the words of our founders still resound, full of wisdom and insight for today. Saints Elizabeth Ann Seton, Vincent de Paul, and Louise de Marillac invite us to open ourselves to the Spirit’s life in us and around us.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Never mind — God is God, in it all. If you are to do his work the strength will be given; if not,…someone else will do it….No great affair where his dear atom is, if only his will is done. (to Sr. Cecilia O’Conway, after her first hectic months with the orphans in New York in 1817)
All our affairs…go on with the blessing of God. Sisters are just now [ Fall,1817] established in New York as in Philadelphia for the care of orphans,…[B]ranches are gone from our house to sow the little mustard seed.
St. Vincent De Paul (feast day: September 27)
God has riches in abundance; until now, you have lacked nothing; why are you fearful for the future?
Trust fearlessly in God who has called you and you will see that all will go well.
May your words be like seeds sown in their hearts, bearing a hundredfold the fruits of charity
and good example to the poor faithful.
St. Louise De Marillac
All truly Christian souls should have great devotion to the Blessed Virgin, especially in her role as Mother of God.… … When we are filled with gratitude for the graces that God has bestowed upon us through the Incarnation and the exemplary life of Jesus Christ, let us look upon the Blessed Virgin as the channel through which all these benefits have come to us and thank her … Let us take Our Lady as the model for our daily lives and bear in mind that the best way to honor her is by imitating her virtues.
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Charity Wisdom from our Friends
Let Charity rise within…
Continuously, courageously…
Carefully embracing all…
Truly trusting that we are the presence of God, whose holiness must be revealed through us.
Let Charity rise within…
All is in our hands if we but use it.
O be grateful.
O be grateful. (Elizabeth Ann Seton)
– Assembly 2019 Steering Committee
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Love is the energy that sustains the universe, moving us toward a future of resurrection. We do not even need to call it love or God or resurrection for its work to be done. – Richard Rohr, OFM
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God is at the tip of my pen, my spade, my brush, my needle — of my heart and of my thoughts. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
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Lord, take me where you want me to go.
Let me meet who you want me to meet.
Tell me what you want me to say.
And keep me out of your way. – Mychal Judge, OFM (dec. 9/11/01)
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St. Paul says that “the love of Christ compels us,” [2 Cor. 5:14] but this “compels us” can also be translated as “possesses us.” And so it is: love attracts us and sends us; it draws us in and gives us to others. – Pope Francis
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We cannot afford to be afraid. We haven’t much time. All creation beckons us. Our planet is crying out to hear the voices of love….
What does sustain me is what I know to be true: I know love, and love never seeks to separate or excuse. I know freedom and freedom never lets ego and fear have the final say. I know I am not alone, that we are connected in the web of life and we feel the connection most powerfully when we operate from within the Field of Compassion. –Judy Cannato, Field of Compassion (2010)
https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/eco-catholic/judy-cannato-remembrance – 5.31.2011