On August 13, 1817, Elizabeth Ann Seton sent three Sisters to New York to serve the growing number of orphans resulting from the cholera epidemic and the poverty of the newly arrived immigrants.
For 200 years the Sisters of Charity have seen and recognized the needs of each generation. Our hearts have held the pain across our city and state, in the Bahamas, and in Guatemala. Some of us have journeyed to Chile, Peru, Vietnam, China, Appalachia, and Louisiana. It is because of our vows that we were and are able to be a resource for healing, education, and presence. Our Sisters became pioneers in developing the finest organizations in childcare, hospitals, schools, and social services. We do this with a myriad of partners like you.
During this year of remembrance and celebration, the spirit of charity that has blossomed in New York will continue to grow far beyond our hope and imagination. We have given and received so much more than we could have ever hoped for. We invite you to journey with us! We remember the past as a springboard into the future.
Our brothers and sisters continue to experience untold suffering. We, the Sisters of Charity, Associates, colleagues, friends, and partners know how needed we are to face this suffering by our prayer, presence, and service. We carry the spirit of charity across our city streets, in cars, buses, and trains, to bring promise and hope to those we minister to, with, and for. How beautiful are the feet of those who carry across our city streets the message of charity and justice.
New York has welcomed us. The Sisters of Charity, the city, the state, and the Church have grown together over these two hundred years. What joy and cause for rejoicing are the stories that can be told! It is my hope that together we may continue to reveal God’s love to those in need, especially those on the margins.
We remember, we give thanks, we celebrate.
Together we move into a future filled with hope.
With joy,
Sister Jane Iannucelli, SC
P.S. A live stream of our opening ceremony will be available on Sunday, January 8th from 3 to 4 pm. Please visit our homepage at 2:45 pm to be connected to the live feed.
What gifts you have been and are for all of us and to me individually. Thank you. Rose Vermette, RCD
Love and prayers to the Sisters of Charity. They have educated my 5 children during their formative years with outstanding results. I will be eternally grateful. They were taught at St. Elizabeth Seton school in Shrub Oak, NY with Sr. Rebecca as Principal and Sr. Gabriel their most devoted teacher. May they receive many blessings for their labor!