Part of the Solution (POTS)
POTS is a program widely recognized for its unwavering commitment to addressing root causes of poverty, always in an atmosphere of respect and compassion. Its mission is to be a loving community that nourishes the basic needs and hungers of all who seek assistance.
The program began in 1982, when Sr. Jane Iannucelli, SC, joined with Tim Boon and Fr. Ned Murphy, SJ, in simply offering hot soup to the desperately poor in their midst on Fordham Road. With a growing realization of the complexity of forces that keep people in poverty, POTS has expanded to offer multiple services, making it a powerful catalyst for change in people’s lives.
These services include a Community Dining program that serves hundreds of hot meals each day, a clothing program, a food pantry serving over 600 families several times a month, medical care, pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, free legal services and more.
An essential, guiding principle at POTS is that visitors in need are guests, regarded always with dignity, respect and unconditional love. All services are provided in this spirit of compassion.
In recent years POTS was awarded the First Annual Visionary Award by City Harvest, the largest food rescue program in the world.
The Sisters of Charity and the Beginning of POTS