
From left: Sister Mary Ann Daly, Councilor; Sister Mary Mc Cormack, Assistant to the President; Sister Donna Dodge, President; Sister Margaret O’Brien, Assistant to the President, Sisters Sheila Brosnan, and Margaret Egan, Councilors.

The Sisters of Charity of New York elected its new Leadership Team during Assembly 2023 held April 26–31. Sr. Donna Dodge was elected President; Sister Margaret O’Brien and Sister Mary Mc Cormack were approved by the Congregation to serve as her Assistants. Sisters Mary Ann Daly, Margaret Egan, Margaret O’Brien, and Sheila Brosnan were elected to serve as Councilors. This new leadership team, which serves through 2027, was installed formally on June 29 during the Transfer of Leadership ceremony at Mount Saint Vincent, which has been the Congregation’s home since 1857.


The Sisters of Charity of New York are an ecclesial community, called to share in the mission of Jesus, in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Our structures of government exist to facilitate this mission:

  • by challenging us to live the ideals and to follow the vision of the Gospel
  • by encouraging and developing Congregational responses to the needs of the Church and the world
  • by providing for the responsible administration of the material resources of the Congregation
  • by providing for the growth of the members of the Congregation

Leadership structures foster communication and collaboration within the Congregation and in our relationship with the Church and society.

Executive Council

Jane Iannucelli, SC President

Sr. Dorothy Metz, SC

Assistant to the President

Jane Iannucelli, SC President

Sr. Dominica Rocchio, SC

Assistant to the President


Click on a Sister’s name to learn more about her background.

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