Since 1817, the Sisters of Charity have held the pain and shared in the joys of so many of our sisters and brothers in New York and beyond. This is particularly true of Staten Island where our Sisters arrived in 1853 to educate and care for its residents. Saint Peter, the first of fourteen schools, opened in 1853; Saint Vincent’s Hospital in 1903, the nursing school in 1904; Bayley Seton in 1981; Joseph House, the first of seven affordable housing programs, in 1986; and several social service, childcare, and and heath care programs served Staten Islanders.
If you were part of the mission, educated by the Congregation, born or cared for at Saint Vincent’s or Bayley Seton, or live in one of the many housing developments, we invite you to join the Staten Island Community in celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Sister of Charity in New York.
Luncheon at The Staaten, April 29, 2017, 11:30–3:00.