Our Congregation’s Seton, Bayley and Jevons family artifacts collection will soon be traveling to its new home at the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, where many more pilgrims will be able to view it and learn about Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton as a wife, mother, seeker, founder and saint.

Valentine’s Day seems a fitting day for this prayer, as Elizabeth had a great capacity to love deeply and widely. It sustained her through many moments of letting go. As she wrote to a friend: “How much my heart prays for you and how tenderly it is attached to you, you can never know.”

Please join virtual Prayer of Blessing by clicking this link: https:vimeo.com/496930003/57a32df17b (Please note, this link will not be accessible until 2:00 PM on February 14th.) The prayer will last about 15 minutes and will be available for viewing at other times after this date.